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创建人:智能科学系 创建时间:2016-12-13 08:30 点击数:
题 目: Predicting COPD Failure by Modeling Hazard in Longitudinal Clinical Data
报告人:王声瑞(Shengrui Wang),加拿大舍布鲁克大学 终身教授,博士生导师
时 间:2016年12月16日 下午3:30—5:00
地 点:海韵园行政楼C-510
Abstract: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) accounts for the highest rate of readmissions and is the third leading cause of death in Canada, United States and even worldwide. Predicting COPD failure is crucial to early intervention decision-making. As a good prediction model, survival analysis is often confined primarily to specific types of data involving only the present measurements. We address the difficulties in estimation of the hazard function in current approaches, and propose a new representation of hazard to capture the relationship between survival probability and time-varying risk factors. To optimize model parameters, i.e., regression coefficients, we design and maximize a new joint likelihood that comprises two components used for estimating survival status for failure and censored patients, respectively. A regularized optimization is performed on joint likelihood to prevent overfittingin model learning. Our approach is applied to a real data set of 503 patients diagnosed with COPD and outperforms the current state-of-the-art prediction models in terms of the metrics including survival AUC, concordance index and Birer score; this reveals its promise in clinical applications for predicting other diseases in addition to COPD.
王声瑞(Shengrui Wang),加拿大籍华人,博士生导师。加拿大舍布鲁克大学计算机系终身教授。1989年9月毕业于法国格勒诺布尔国立理工学院(Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble)并获得计算机博士学位。自1991年6月起至今任教于舍布鲁克大学计算机系(University of Sherbrooke)。王声瑞教授的研究涉及到了众多科学领域,其中包括数据挖掘,模式识别,人工智能,图像处理和理解,知识采集,信息系统,神经网络,优化等。在高维数据,类数据,及序列数据聚类方面具有国际公认的出色成果,并成功地应用于生物信息学,临床数据,财经,英特网,汽车导航,图像数据库,智能环境,雷达监测等领域。CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology编辑委员会委员。王声瑞教授连续27年(1993-2020)获得加拿大国家自然科学和工程技术研究基金(NSERC)创新研究资助(Discovery Grants),主持多项重大研究资助项目,并在2010获得NSERC的加速创新研究特资资助(Discovery Accelerator Supplements)。自2010起任加拿大国家自然科学和工程技术研究基金会计算机委员会核心成员,计算机方法分会主席(2013-2014),计算机-数学-统计学研究工具及仪器基金评选委员会主席(2015-2016)。此外王声瑞教授还多次参与或主持加拿大首席科学家评审委员会,Mitacs Canada,以及国家和魁北克省部委重大科研项目的评审工作.